【关键词】新型城市化 社会养老保障 城乡一体化
【Abstract】Urban and rural social pension security is to promote urban and rural as a symbol of the new city of internal demand,urban and rural social security as a whole is moving towards integration in new stage.Analysis of urban and rural social pension security integration difficulties:a large number of farmers,old-age security relations continued to difficult and new agricultural insurance barriers to the promotion,put forward to accelerate the construction of small towns,reducing the rural population amount and ...
【基金】教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“推进城乡一体化社会养老保障的模式与路径研究——以浙江省为例(编号:10YJA630035);; 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目“新型城市化下的浙江农民流动与社会养老保障一体化研究”(11YD62YB)的研究成果