【Abstract】In China in particular in Zhejiang province,the focus of urban and rural social security system development has started a new stage from urban and rural coordination to urban and rural integration development,and peasant movement also presents the new characteristic of diversification.Social endowment insurance as an important mechanism of market influence of labor resources allocation will be deeply embedded in peasant movement,social pension security system integration of the flows of willingness,capabili...
【基金】教育部人文社科规划项目“推进城乡一体化社会养老保障的模式与路径研究——以浙江省为例”(10YJA630035);; 浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地资助项目“浙江省农民发展研究中心”;; 浙江农林大学中国农民发展研究中心资助项目“中国农民发展学理论体系研究”(XNM-Z201202)