2. 承担的主要科研项目
(1) 基于休闲学视角的城市居民幸福感研究(14YJCZH010),教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金,8 万,2014-2019。
(2) 中美学科交叉资助政策比较研究(2017C35056),浙江省科学技术厅软科学研究计划,4万,2017-2019。
(3) 杭州市特色小镇规划标准研究(20150834M35),杭州市科技计划软科学研究项目,3万,2015-2018。
3. 主要学术成果
[1]Zhihui W, Liangzhen Nie, Eila Jeronen, Lihua Xu, Meiai Chen, Understanding the Environmentally Sustainable Behavior of Chinese University Students as Tourists: An Integrative Framework, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2023(20).
[2]Meiai Chen, Tingting Pei, Eila Jeronen, Zhihui Wang, Lihua Xu,Teaching and Learning Methods for Promoting Sustainability in Tourism Education,Sustainability,2022(14).
[3]Meiai Chen, Eila Jeronen, Anming Wang,Toward Environmental Sustainability, Health, and Equity: How the Psychological Characteristics of College Students Are Reflected in Understanding Sustainable Development Goals, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021(18).
4. 联系方式
电子信箱: cma1978@zafu.edu.cn